Bid Deadline: 04/03/2025 - 01:00:00 PM
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Interior renovation of approximately 2000 sf of first floor space within the Robert S. Swanson Library to convert existing instructional computer lab and study rooms into a computer lab for the e-sports athletic team with adjacent support space. Work includes but is not limited to: selective demolition, infill construction at walls and openings, interior finishes, doors, and hardware, custom millwork, and associated mechanical. electrical, telecommunications, and security modifications.
Bid Deadline: 04/08/2025 - 01:00:00 PM
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Interior renovations and mechanical renovations. Interior work includes modifications to steel-stud framed walls, hollow metal frames, flush wood doors, and aluminum-framed storefront. Finishes work includes acoustic ceiling, sound absorbing wall units, paint, resilient flooring and carpet tile. Mechanical work includes re-piping chilled water coil and chiller condenser piping.
Bid Deadline: 04/17/2025 - 11:00:00 AM
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In general, the work consists of: an interior renovation to combine t 1 wo graphic design computing
2 laboratories into a single space, converting a studio into a multi-discipline laboratory, renovation of an existing printing studio, and to renovate, replace, and/or augment the ventilation systems. The HVAC distribution ductwork and exhaust hoods will be removed, replaced, or relocated as necessary to accommodate new laboratory and studio layouts. All room finishes, lighting and controls, instructional technology, storage, special equipment, and furnishings will be replaced.
If you have any questions, please contact: